Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Welcome to My New Blog

So here is the first post to this blog. The reason I've created this page is to detail the projects I've undertaken, am undertaking, and plan to undertake on my 1970 Columbia 26 MK 2 sailboat. It is also where I will document my day-trips, adventures, and excursions on the boat.

I bought the boat in June of 2008 and quickly discovered that the adage of boats being a hole in the water you pour money into is absolutely true. This is the first "big" sailboat I have ever owned, and even though it appeared to be in very good condition (and yes I had a survey), I soon discovered there were many areas that that the boat needed work and that every project costs twice what you think and takes three times longer!

In the course of researching these projects prior to taking them on, I discovered that even though there are hundreds of Columbia 26 MK2 s in existence, there is actually very little on the web as far as info on making repairs or modifications to this boat, especially with supporting pictures. To this end, I thought I would chronicle my experiences for other MK2 owners, other "plastic classic" sailboat owners. and for friends and family who might like to see what I'm up to.

My boat is currently slipped in the Ventura County commercial fishing dock in Channel Islands Harbor, Oxnard California. Feel free to stop by and say Hi, I'm always up for chatting about sailing!

1 comment:

  1. Hello friend, I to have a C26 MK2. However mine is not in such good shape. Have you had leaks in the deck joint or toe rails? I
    I'd love to pick your brain

    Richard lehmann
